How To Soften Water At Home
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How To Soften Water At Home

Use our six methods below to naturally soften hard water while at home.

What Is Hard Water?

Hard water will be produced when water filters through deposits of chalk, gypsum, or limestone. This water can be high in calcium and magnesium, which can be problematic depending on the setting the water is used in.

The issues arise when the water causes boilers to malfunction in industrial settings or creates a soap formation. This can clog up shower or laundry valves inside your home.

How To Soften Water At Home Naturally

Some benefits of soft water include improved lathering, efficient cleaning, and reduced scale buildup. Here are a few ways homeowners can soften their water naturally.

1. Boil And Cool

Boil the hard water for at least 1-2 minutes to improve its taste. Of course, let the water cool before drinking it. While boiling and cooling the water won’t eliminate minerals, it will improve the overall taste.

2. Treat With Vinegar

You can soften your clothes during the rinse cycle by adding a cup of vinegar to the wash. For limescale buildup, try soaking faucets and showerheads overnight. This will dissolve minerals and leave the areas sparkling clean.

3. Use Baking Soda

The use of baking soda can minimize hard water’s impact on laundry. Simply do this by adding half a cup to your washing machine along with your normal detergent.

4. Add Citrus Fruits

You can also use lemon juice to combat limescale with a pleasant scent. Rub this onto fixtures and faucets, then rinse with water.

5. Install Water Softener

Water softeners utilize ion exchange to combat hard water. Resin beads within this softener will swap out both calcium and magnesium for sodium. This ultimately reduces the hardness of the water. Use this approach when attempting to prevent limescale buildup and improve soap effectiveness.

6. Distillation

Distillation involves boiling water to create steam that is then condensed back into liquid form in a separate chamber. This removes unwanted contaminants and minerals from your drinking water. However, this process is not very efficient and requires lots of heat to begin and maintain the boiling phase.

Salt Works USA In Arizona

At Salt Works we strive to meet the salt delivery needs for the entire Phoenix valley. Proudly serving the great state of Arizona for over 20 years, Salt Works has become a leading provider for salt and water treatment needs by earning the trust of our valued customers. We promise to build on our strong foundation and reputation through exceptional customer service and quality of our products. Contact us today!

How To Prevent Hard Water Stains In Toilet
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How To Prevent Rings In Toilet

Are you looking for ways to prevent hard water stains/rings in your toilets? Use our recommendations below!

1. Flush Toilets Frequently

Flushing your toilets regularly will help to prevent pink bacteria stains from setting in the bowl. Flush all of your toilets regularly – this includes ones that aren’t frequently used. If you happen to have an older toilet that isn’t used much, consider turning its water off.

2. Let Toilet Bowl Cleaner Sit

Letting your cleaner sit in the toilet bowl can prevent stain-causing bacteria from expanding. Spray the cleaner around the entire toilet bowl, from under the rim on down. Let the cleaner sit until the next time you need to use the toilet. Gently swish the water in the bowl around the sides using your toilet brush. Flush the toilet after cleaning.

3. Clean Toilets Weekly

Regular, weekly toilet cleanings can prevent stains from building up. Use the cleaner and a toilet brush to scrub the bowl out. Next, wipe down the outside surfaces of the toilet using a disposable disinfectant wipe.

4. Clean The Tank

Dirty toilet tanks can result in mold, mildew, and rust. It’s recommended to clean the toilet tank at least twice per year. To perform this task, shut off the water valve and flush the tank to empty it completely. Fill your tank up with vinegar all the way up to the overflow valve. Let the vinegar sit for 12 hours. Flush the vinegar out after 12 hours and scrub any remaining grime out of the tank with a scrub brush.

5. Use Non-Corrosive Tank Tablets

Tank tablets are used to fill the toilet bowl with cleaner after every flush. However, many tablet types can ultimately damage the valves and interior parts over time. Make sure you choose tablets that are labeled “chemical-free” or “natural” to avoid any potential damage.

6. Scrub The Bowl With Vinegar Each Month

Scrubbing your toilet bowl with vinegar each and every month will prevent any water rings or deposits from appearing. Try pouring about 3 cups of vinegar into the bowl, covering all sides of the bowl. Let the vinegar sit a while, then scrub the bowl thoroughly and flush.

7. Clean The Toilet Bowl With Teflon

Toilet cleaners featuring Teflon protect the surface from all kinds of stains. Squirt some of the cleaner all over the interior of the bowl then scrub. Performing this cleaning task regularly can keep the bowl coated and free of stains.

Cleaning Toilet

Salt Works USA In Arizona

At Salt Works we strive to meet the salt delivery needs for the entire Phoenix valley. Proudly serving the great state of Arizona for over 20 years, Salt Works has become a leading provider for salt and water treatment needs by earning the trust of our valued customers. We promise to build on our strong foundation and reputation through exceptional customer service and quality of our products. Contact us today!

Does Hard Water Cause Hair Loss
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Does Hard Water Cause Hair Loss?

In some cases, prolonged exposure to hard water can result in hair thinning and hair loss. However, hair loss is not as common as other signs of hard water. Let’s take a look at the common signs of hard water on hair and what you can do to prevent/fix this issue.

What Are The Signs Of Hard Water On Hair?

Hard water can make some people feel like their body isn’t getting clean enough as they shower. Oftentimes, how hard water affects your hair can be overlooked. Hard water can ultimately make your brushing and styling of the hair a painful and irritating process.

By identifying potential signs of hard water on your hair, you can implement some preventative solutions to protect your hair’s health. Let’s take a more in-depth look at the symptoms of hard water on your hair and what you can do to prevent this from happening.

1. Hair Loss

It’s possible that prolonged exposure can lead to hair loss. Hard water harms the scalp, which can lead to hair loss. However, it’s important to note that hair loss is not as common as the other signs of hard water. Hair loss is more common in people with hard water experiencing psoriasis or eczema.

2. Hair Dryness

If you’ve noticed that your hair is dryer than normal, it could be a sign of hard water damage. Hard water damage is likely if you are still experiencing dry hair even when using shampoo or conditioners that treat dryness.

3. Frizziness

Hard water exposure can cause your hair to take on a frizzy or ruffled look. This means styling and keeping your hair in place will become challenging as time goes on.

4. Hair Damage/Breakage

If your hair seems weaker and you begin to notice more split strands, you could be experiencing hard water effects. Hard water will cause your hair to become prone to damage and breakage. This will worsen when brushing or styling your hair.

What Does Hard Water Do To Your Hair?

Taking action to prevent further damage once you notice these signs is crucial. Hair can experience significant and long-lasting effects with prolonged exposure to hard water. Due to the high mineral content in hard water, this buildup can cause many issues. Let’s take a look at some of the common hair issues below.

1. Color Fading

People who color their hair may notice the hair fading and becoming duller. Hard water can even change your hair color in some cases due to the stress these minerals can cause on the hair. Color-treated hair is more vulnerable to hard water and damage can be caused long after the hair color has faded.

2. Stunting Hair Growth

Hard water can cause damage to your hair growth long-term, unfortunately. This damage is especially likely if you have psoriasis or eczema.

3. Flat Look

Hair impacted by hard water can have a more flat appearance overall. This can make it challenging to style. Without identifying the hard water issue, you’ll have difficulty revitalizing your hair’s appearance.

4. Dry, Flaky, Or Greasy Scalp

A dry or flaky scalp is quite common when impacted by hard water. Prolonged exposure, however, can result in a greasier scalp than usual.

How To Know If You Have Hard Water

Avoiding hard water will protect your hair from both short and long-term damage. The problem is many homeowners tend to need help identifying this issue. Hard water is not only identifiable by hair damage; it can also affect other parts of your home.

Try to pay attention to your houseware. Examine your dishes and glasses for hard water spots when you remove these items from the dishwasher. These spots indicate mineral deposits like calcium carbonate, which is consistent with hard water issues.

Hard water can also be identified by the feeling on your hands after being washed. If you see a film covering your skin, this is a clear indication of hard water presence.

How To Repair Damaged Hair

Installing a whole-home water softener system can repair your hair and solve your hard water issue. Here are a few other ways to repair hard water damage to your hair:

  • Start cutting back if you typically wash your hair daily.
  • Use flat irons and curlers less often.
  • Get trims frequently to reduce damaged ends.

Salt Works USA In Arizona

At Salt Works we strive to meet the salt delivery needs for the entire Phoenix valley. Proudly serving the great state of Arizona for over 20 years, Salt Works has become a leading provider for salt and water treatment needs by earning the trust of our valued customers. We promise to build on our strong foundation and reputation through exceptional customer service and quality of our products. Contact us today!

Signs Of Hard Water On Hair
Written by webtechs

Signs Of Hard Water On Hair

Let’s take a look at the common signs of hard water on hair and what you can do to prevent/fix this issue.

What Are The Signs Of Hard Water On Hair?

Hard water can make some people feel like their body isn’t getting clean enough as they shower. Oftentimes, how hard water affects your hair can be overlooked. Hard water can ultimately make your brushing and styling of the hair a painful and irritating process.

By identifying potential signs of hard water on your hair, you can implement some preventative solutions to protect your hair’s health. Let’s take a more in-depth look at the symptoms of hard water on your hair and what you can do to prevent this from happening.

1. Hair Loss

It’s possible that prolonged exposure can lead to hair loss. Hard water harms the scalp, which can lead to hair loss. However, it’s important to note that hair loss is not as common as the other signs of hard water. Hair loss is more common in people with hard water experiencing psoriasis or eczema.

2. Hair Dryness

If you’ve noticed that your hair is dryer than normal, it could be a sign of hard water damage. Hard water damage is likely if you are still experiencing dry hair even when using shampoo or conditioners that treat dryness.

3. Frizziness

Hard water exposure can cause your hair to take on a frizzy or ruffled look. This means styling and keeping your hair in place will become challenging as time goes on.

4. Hair Damage/Breakage

If your hair seems weaker and you begin to notice more split strands, you could be experiencing hard water effects. Hard water will cause your hair to become prone to damage and breakage. This will worsen when brushing or styling your hair.

What Does Hard Water Do To Your Hair?

Taking action to prevent further damage once you notice these signs is crucial. Hair can experience significant and long-lasting effects with prolonged exposure to hard water. Due to the high mineral content in hard water, this buildup can cause many issues. Let’s take a look at some of the common hair issues below.

1. Color Fading

People who color their hair may notice the hair fading and becoming duller. Hard water can even change your hair color in some cases due to the stress these minerals can cause on the hair. Color-treated hair is more vulnerable to hard water and damage can be caused long after the hair color has faded.

2. Stunting Hair Growth

Hard water can cause damage to your hair growth long-term, unfortunately. This damage is especially likely if you have psoriasis or eczema.

3. Flat Look

Hair impacted by hard water can have a more flat appearance overall. This can make it challenging to style. Without identifying the hard water issue, you’ll have difficulty revitalizing your hair’s appearance.

4. Dry, Flaky, Or Greasy Scalp

A dry or flaky scalp is quite common when impacted by hard water. Prolonged exposure, however, can result in a greasier scalp than usual.

Salt Works USA In Arizona

At Salt Works we strive to meet the salt delivery needs for the entire Phoenix valley. Proudly serving the great state of Arizona for over 20 years, Salt Works has become a leading provider for salt and water treatment needs by earning the trust of our valued customers. We promise to build on our strong foundation and reputation through exceptional customer service and quality of our products. Contact us today!

How To Soften Water In Hot Tub
Written by webtechs

How To Soften Water In Hot Tub

Water hardness is a common problem for hot tub owners. Use this guide below to soften your hot tub water, making for a much safer and enjoyable experience.

How To Tell If Hot Tub Water Hardness Is Too High

Water hardness is not related to how your hot tub water feels. In fact, you won’t even notice any difference until adding surfactants into the mix or notice any calcium build-up overall. Water hardness is ultimately the level of calcium and magnesium in the water.

You can test water hardness by adding a few drops of detergent or liquid soap to a bucket of water, stirring it quickly. If the water turns cloudy, then the hardness is too high. Ideally, the amount of calcium in the hot tub water should be between 175 to 250 parts per million (ppm). Test strips can be used to determine the calcium levels.

Why Is Water Hardness Bad For Your Hot Tub?

High calcium content in hot tub water is scale build-up in the surfaces, filters, fittings, and plumbing. This can also mess with your water chemistry, causing skin and eye irritations to anyone using the tub.

Lime scales can also come loose, resulting in cloudy water. Simply put, water hardness makes for an unpleasant hot tub experience for all.

Ways To Soften Water In Hot Tub

Below are two proven methods to soften water in a hot tub if there is too much calcium present. One is a simple drain and refill, while the other method calls for some chemicals.

Method 1. Drain And Refill The Tub

  • Some chemicals may ultimately increase the calcium levels in your tub.
  • It’s possible to fix this issue by partially draining and diluting the water.
  • Check the calcium levels with test strips and repeat this process, if needed.
  • If the calcium levels are still high, try completely draining then refilling the tub.
  • Flush the plumbing for a thorough clean.

Method 2. Use Flocculant

  • It’s suggested to use this method whenever your tap is high in calcium content.
  • Flocculant is used in water treatment facilities in order to remove any calcium particles in water.
  • This works by causing the unwanted particles to clump together and settle at the bottom of the tub.
  • It will be quite easy to scoop out at this point.
  • You can also use a hot tub clarifier if a substitute is needed.
  • Instead of sinking, calcium particles will float to the top of the tub.
  • Use a skimmer net to remove the particles.
  • This process can take a longer time than using flocculant.


Water hardness is a common issue for hot tubs, unfortunately. The good news is this can be solved using either of the two methods listed above. Remember to check your hot tub’s water chemistry every once in a while. Maintaining balanced water chemistry will keep your tub in good shape for the long run.

Salt Works USA In Arizona

At Salt Works we strive to meet the salt delivery needs for the entire Phoenix valley. Proudly serving the great state of Arizona for over 20 years, Salt Works has become a leading provider for salt and water treatment needs by earning the trust of our valued customers. We promise to build on our strong foundation and reputation through exceptional customer service and quality of our products. Contact us today!

How To Remove Hard Water Stains From Windows
Written by webtechs

How To Remove Hard Water Stains From Windows

Use our guide below to remove any troublesome hard water stains from your windows.

What Causes Hard Water Stains On Windows?

It’s important to first determine why the stains developed before attempting to remove them from the window. Spots will form when mineral-rich water is left to dry rather than being wiped off the glass in a timely fashion. As water evaporates, it will leave behind minerals that build up and create chalky white deposits.

Rainwater can create hard water spots and so can leaky gutters. If you have a water sprinkler nearby that spray the windows, hard water stains can develop, as well.

How To Get Hard Water Stains Off Windows

Before attempting to remove the hard water spots, you should always wash the windows first. Then, use one of the following cleaning methods to remove the troublesome stains.

Method 1. Baking Soda And Water

  • Create a paste that consists of baking soda and a small amount of water.
  • Apply this paste to a cloth and scrub the window to allow the abrasive granules of the baking soda to remove these stains.
  • Rinse the glass thoroughly with water.
  • Use traditional glass cleaner and newspaper in order to remove the residue and streaks.

Method 2. Lemon

  • Start by slicing a lemon in half and rubbing it on the glass with a decent amount of pressure.
  • The natural acidity of the lemon will remove most hard water stains with ease.
  • Mop up the lemon juice that’s left behind using a paper towel or soft cloth.
  • Finish with a spray of the glass cleaner.
  • Wipe it away with newspaper at this time.

Method 3. Vinegar And Water

  • Apply this solution with equal parts water and white distilled vinegar.
  • Thoroughly saturate the areas that feature the most buildup.
  • Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes, re-spraying the glass as it begins to dry.
  • Wet a small, rough towel with water and vinegar.
  • Scrub the glass using the towel.
  • Dry the window with either a soft cloth or paper towel.
  • Repeat this process if water spots remain.

Method 4. Commercial Cleaning Products

  • Commercial cleaners can be purchased with the specific purpose of removing water stains.
  • Follow the directions on the product(s) for the best results possible.
  • Some products aren’t designed to clean windows, so streaks may be left behind.
  • Finish the treatment with a small spray of glass cleaner.
  • Wipe it dry with newspaper.

How To Prevent Hard Water Stains On Your Windows

Applying a hydrophobic coating is a great way to prevent hard water stains from forming on your windows. This is a clear barrier that’s applied to the windows which ultimately repels water. This will also protect the glass surface and reduce cleaning time.

Salt Works USA In Arizona

At Salt Works we strive to meet the salt delivery needs for the entire Phoenix valley. Proudly serving the great state of Arizona for over 20 years, Salt Works has become a leading provider for salt and water treatment needs by earning the trust of our valued customers. We promise to build on our strong foundation and reputation through exceptional customer service and quality of our products. Contact us today!

How To Remove Hard Water Stains From Plastic
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How To Remove Hard Water Stains From Plastic

Hard water stains can develop on many surfaces, including plastic. Hard water will leave a plastic surface looking dark and cloudy. Use this guide below to remove these stains from plastic.

How To Get Rid Of Hard Water Stains On Plastic

Hard water spots are the result of water with high iron content. Limescale buildup is visible where the water is distributed.

Use white vinegar when attempting to rid plastic of any hard water stains. White vinegar is naturally acidic, allowing the solution to cut through limescale buildup on any surface, including plastic.

Supplies Needed

Have the following supplies on hand for this cleaning task:

  • Cleaning cloth.
  • Dish.
  • Pure white vinegar.
  • Toothbrush.

Now follow these five steps to wipe away the hard water stains.

Step 1

  • Dip the edge of the cleaning cloth into a dish filled with pure white vinegar.
  • Vinegar will dissolve the marks without damaging the plastic or leaving any residue when dry.

Step 2

  • Wipe over the stains.
  • Use circular buffing motions in order to get rid of the stains.

Step 3

  • Dip your toothbrush into the vinegar at this time.
  • Use it to scrub away any stains that weren’t removed by the cloth.

Step 4

  • Soak the plastic overnight using a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water.
  • This is only needed for extremely stubborn stains.

Step 5

  • Scrub the plastic with a cloth the morning after.
  • Allow it to dry.

Salt Works USA In Arizona

At Salt Works we strive to meet the salt delivery needs for the entire Phoenix valley. Proudly serving the great state of Arizona for over 20 years, Salt Works has become a leading provider for salt and water treatment needs by earning the trust of our valued customers. We promise to build on our strong foundation and reputation through exceptional customer service and quality of our products. Contact us today!

How To Get Hard Water Spots Off Car
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How To Get Hard Water Spots Off Car

If you notice any hard water spots remaining on your car after you wash it, the good news is that these spots are quite easy to remove. Hard water spots develop when there are materials in the water and a build-up of alkaline. Use the two methods below to remove these spots from your car.

How To Remove Hard Water Spots With White Vinegar

The experts recommend attempting to remove hard water spots using one of two methods. The first method involves the use of white vinegar. You will need the following supplies when attempting to remove these spots with white vinegar:

  • White vinegar.
  • Distilled water.
  • Spray bottle.
  • Bowl.

Step 1.

  • Create your cleaning solution by mixing 1 part white vinegar and 2 parts distilled water in a large bowl.

Step 2.

  • Now pour your solution into the spray bottle.
  • This simplifies the application process.

Step 3.

  • Spray the mixture onto the hard water spots.
  • Focus on one area at a time.
  • This allows you to dry only the spots that have been sprayed.

Step 4.

  • Rub the spots with a clean, soft cloth.
  • If the spots have been on the car for a long time, you may need to add more solution to remove them.
  • Newer spots should lift quite easily.

Step 5.

  • Rinse the car off with a hose.
  • Use a clean cloth soaked in water for the rinsing.

How To Remove Hard Water Spots With Baking Soda

Using baking soda is one other method for cleaning hard water spots on a car. You will need the following items for this process:

  • Baking soda.
  • Distilled water.
  • White vinegar.
  • Bowl.

Step 1.

  • Create your solution with 3 parts baking soda and 1 part distilled water mixed in the bowl.
  • You can make the solution stronger, if needed.

Step 2.

  • Apply a good amount of solution to a clean cloth.
  • Gently rub the hard water spots with your solution.

Step 3.

  • Leave the solution on the hard water spots for at least 15 minutes.

Step 4.

  • Remove the solution by rinsing the area with clean water.

Step 5.

  • Dry the affected area entirely.

Step 6. 

  • Repeat these steps if the hard water spots remain on the car.

Salt Works USA In Arizona

At Salt Works we strive to meet the salt delivery needs for the entire Phoenix valley. Proudly serving the great state of Arizona for over 20 years, Salt Works has become a leading provider for salt and water treatment needs by earning the trust of our valued customers. We promise to build on our strong foundation and reputation through exceptional customer service and quality of our products. Contact us today!

How To Prevent Hard Water Stains In Toilet
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How To Prevent Hard Water Stains In Toilet

Are you looking for ways to prevent hard water stains in your toilets? Use these 7 recommendations below!

1. Flush Toilets Frequently

Flushing your toilets regularly will help to prevent pink bacteria stains from setting in the bowl. Flush all of your toilets regularly – this includes ones that aren’t frequently used. If you happen to have an older toilet that isn’t used much, consider turning its water off.

2. Let Toilet Bowl Cleaner Sit

Letting your cleaner sit in the toilet bowl can prevent stain-causing bacteria from expanding. Spray the cleaner around the entire toilet bowl, from under the rim on down. Let the cleaner sit until the next time you need to use the toilet. Gently swish the water in the bowl around the sides using your toilet brush. Flush the toilet after cleaning.

3. Clean Toilets Weekly

Regular, weekly toilet cleanings can prevent stains from building up. Use the cleaner and a toilet brush to scrub the bowl out. Next, wipe down the outside surfaces of the toilet using a disposable disinfectant wipe.

4. Clean The Tank

Dirty toilet tanks can result in mold, mildew, and rust. It’s recommended to clean the toilet tank at least twice per year. To perform this task, shut off the water valve and flush the tank to empty it completely. Fill your tank up with vinegar all the way up to the overflow valve. Let the vinegar sit for 12 hours. Flush the vinegar out after 12 hours and scrub any remaining grime out of the tank with a scrub brush.

5. Use Non-Corrosive Tank Tablets

Tank tablets are used to fill the toilet bowl with cleaner after every flush. However, many tablet types can ultimately damage the valves and interior parts over time. Make sure you choose tablets that are labeled “chemical-free” or “natural” to avoid any potential damage.

6. Scrub The Bowl With Vinegar Each Month

Scrubbing your toilet bowl with vinegar each and every month will prevent any water rings or deposits from appearing. Try pouring about 3 cups of vinegar into the bowl, covering all sides of the bowl. Let the vinegar sit a while, then scrub the bowl thoroughly and flush.

7. Clean The Toilet Bowl With Teflon

Toilet cleaners featuring Teflon protect the surface from all kinds of stains. Squirt some of the cleaner all over the interior of the bowl then scrub. Performing this cleaning task regularly can keep the bowl coated and free of stains.

Cleaning Toilet

Salt Works USA In Arizona

At Salt Works we strive to meet the salt delivery needs for the entire Phoenix valley. Proudly serving the great state of Arizona for over 20 years, Salt Works has become a leading provider for salt and water treatment needs by earning the trust of our valued customers. We promise to build on our strong foundation and reputation through exceptional customer service and quality of our products. Contact us today!

How To Get Hard Water Stains Off Glass
Written by webtechs

How To Get Hard Water Stains Off Glass

If you do not attempt to clean the hard water stains regularly, they can become a nightmare when accumulating on your shower glass. Use our step-by-step guide below to clean these troublesome stains.

Necessary Materials

Hard water stains will not come off when you are using a basic glass cleaner, but thankfully materials like baking soda and vinegar can remove these unwanted spots. Have these materials on hand when performing this task:

  • Gloves.
  • Paper towels.
  • Spray bottle.
  • Baking soda.
  • Sponge.
  • Microfiber towel.
  • Distilled water.

How To Clean Hard Water Stains Off Glass

After you have gathered all the necessary supplies, you are ready to start the cleaning process. Begin by warming up a generous amount of white vinegar over the stovetop until it feels hot.

Step 1. Soak The Glass In White Vinegar

  • With your gloves on, dip paper towels into the hot vinegar.
  • Now stick the paper towels to the shower glass.
  • Let the vinegar sit for at least 30 minutes.
  • Spray the paper towels occasionally with vinegar while they are on the glass.
  • Remove the towels.

Step 2. Wipe Down The Shower Door

  • After removing the paper towels, sprinkle a damp rag or sponge with a good amount of baking soda.
  • Then wipe the shower door down gently.
  • Be careful while wiping as you do not want to scratch the shower door.

Step 3. Rinse With Distilled Water

  • Rinse away any residual baking soda and vinegar by pouring the distilled water over the shower glass.
  • By this time, the surface should be glistening.
  • If, however, any limescale is still there, scrub the areas again with baking soda.
  • Dry the glass with a microfiber towel.

What To Do If The Hard Water Stains Persist

Vinegar typically works to remove troublesome hard water stains. However, if the stains haven’t completely come off, you can try using a lemon. If you choose this method, cut the lemon in half, dip it in salt, then scrub the grime away. You can spray some lemon juice on the shower glass after the cleaning to help keep the glass spotless moving forward.

Salt Works USA In Arizona

At Salt Works we strive to meet the salt delivery needs for the entire Phoenix valley. Proudly serving the great state of Arizona for over 20 years, Salt Works has become a leading provider for salt and water treatment needs by earning the trust of our valued customers. We promise to build on our strong foundation and reputation through exceptional customer service and quality of our products. Contact us today!